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Dongguan City Silver Crane Tin Box Co.,Ltd

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tea tin box, yh-103
tea tin box, yh-103
Specification: 59*42*H165mm
Detail: tea tin,tea tin can. 3 pcs.CMYK printing.

cookie tin set,yh-097,098,099
cookie tin set,yh-097,098,099
Specification: Dia222*H215mm,Dia197*H205mm,Dia168*H190mm
Detail: cookie tin,biscuit tin can. 3 pcs.CMYK printing.

tea tin box yh-082
tea tin box yh-082
Specification: Dia83*H106mm
Detail: tea tin,tea tin can. airtight lid, 3 pcs.CMYK printing.

tea tin box yh-078b
tea tin box yh-078b
Specification: Dia75*H104mm
Detail: tea tin,tea tin can. airtight lid, 3 pcs.CMYK printing.

tea tin, coffee tin,yh-066
tea tin, coffee tin,yh-066
Specification: Dia66*H165mm
Detail: tea tin can, coffee tin container, chocolate tin can.airtight lid.

tea tin, coffee tin,yh-058e
tea tin, coffee tin,yh-058e
Specification: Dia95*H135mm
Detail: tea tin can, coffee tin container, chocolate tin can. with buckle, airtight lid.

lunch tin box,yh-456
lunch tin box,yh-456
Specification: 180*135*H38mm
Detail: kids mini lunch box, tinplate, 3 pcs, with lock.
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